Oak is an impor­tant decid­u­ous tree for our forests. Cen­tral Europe is home to many dif­fer­ent types of oak. The most abun­dant species being the pedun­cu­late and ses­sile oak. The wood from all the dif­fer­ent vari­eties is very sim­i­lar in struc­ture. Oak wood has a grey-yel­low to yel­low-brown core, which dif­fers in col­or from the sur­round­ing sap­wood. For pro­cess­ing, only the heart­wood is suit­able because the sap­wood is not durable. The annu­al rings are clear­ly recog­nis­able and give it a uni­form grain, which notably has a very fine and broad rays. If the wood is cut diag­o­nal­ly to the trunk, tongue-shaped «vials» are cre­at­ed. Due to the beau­ti­ful grain it is a very pop­u­lar wood. Oak­wood is one of the medi­um-heavy woods, it is hard, durable and can be worked over very well.