The pear tree pro­vides anoth­er excel­lent source of pre­cious wood that I appre­ci­ate great­ly, and is ide­al for my craft. The col­or of pear wood is uni­form, rang­ing from a pale yel­low to grey-brown to a red­dish brown. With age it becomes a very nice red­dish brown, amber-like col­or. Pear wood is even­ly struc­tured and has numer­ous fine pores that are bare­ly vis­i­ble to the naked eye. The grain of pear wood is indis­tinct and forms very bright, fine, bare­ly vis­i­ble rays. An irreg­u­lar course of the wood fibres can cause a flame pat­tern in the grain. The wood is hard, dense and has hard­ly vis­i­ble annu­al rings. Pores are vis­i­ble to the naked eye only in cross sec­tion. The pear tree tends to nucle­ate in old age, which man­i­fests itself in vio­let-brown to black-brown col­or gra­di­ents in the cen­ter of the trunk.