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After registration we will inform you occasionally about new products and all sorts of things from the Bundihof.
The pear tree provides another excellent source of precious wood that I appreciate greatly, and is ideal for my craft. The color of pear wood is uniform, ranging from a pale yellow to grey-brown to a reddish brown. With age it becomes a very nice reddish brown, amber-like color. Pear wood is evenly structured and has numerous fine pores that are barely visible to the naked eye. The grain of pear wood is indistinct and forms very bright, fine, barely visible rays. An irregular course of the wood fibres can cause a flame pattern in the grain. The wood is hard, dense and has hardly visible annual rings. Pores are visible to the naked eye only in cross section. The pear tree tends to nucleate in old age, which manifests itself in violet-brown to black-brown color gradients in the center of the trunk.