Only with inner fire –
can inspiration be forged into originality.

«I’m a man of sim­ple tastes, I’m always sat­is­fied with the best.» This quote from Oscar Wilde has always inspired me to do my best when pro­duc­ing prod­ucts in my pro­fes­sion­al wood turn­ing work­shop. For every sin­gle piece and prod­uct I sum­mon the essence of my ini­tial inspi­ra­tion from my mind and chan­nel it through my hands with pre­cise accu­ra­cy and a flare of per­son­al­i­ty. There are many steps that are nec­es­sary to cre­at­ing the per­fect hand­craft­ed piece. From a wide range of native woods I make a choice for the raw mate­r­i­al. I store this wood over a long peri­od of time to let it dry. This is fol­lowed by pre­cise machin­ing that requires a lot of tact, until the appro­pri­ate shape is found. Final­ly, every­thing is care­ful­ly sand­ed and oiled. Indulge and rel­ish in the ele­gant grain of the dif­fer­ent woods, the nat­ur­al ele­gance of clear wood lines and the thought­ful func­tion­al­i­ty of my creations.