The cher­ry tree is a wide­spread vari­ety and may be referred to as black cher­ry. Cher­ry wood is one of the most pre­cious woods and has a uni­form struc­ture with fine pores and dense fibres. The colour ranges from a yel­low­ish or red­dish-brown to an intense red­dish brown and can dark­en con­sid­er­ably, espe­cial­ly when exposed to light. The grain of the wood con­sists of numer­ous small rays that stand out clear­ly. The annu­al rings are clear­ly recog­nis­able, the tree ring bound­aries are marked by medi­um-sized pores form­ing a clear ring. Cher­ry wood falls into the medi­um hard to hard wood cat­e­go­ry. Sur­faces of the fine-pored wood are ide­al for wood turn­ing and are usu­al­ly very smooth with an exquis­ite pol­ished shine.