In the midst of life –
with a passion for specialty wood and horses. 

My enthu­si­asm for spe­cial­ty woods and tim­ber has been with me since child­hood, and as a car­pen­ter I was able to live out this affin­i­ty inten­sive­ly for a long time. These days I con­cen­trate on the craft of wood turn­ing, the tim­ber trade and main­tain­ing our for­est. My oth­er pas­sion in life lies with Hors­es. I live on a farm called «Bun­di» in the moun­tain miles. «Bun­di» means for­est clear­ing, a pic­turesque place for me to focus on my craft. This par­adise for hors­es and peo­ple con­tin­ues to inspire me every day. My week is filled to the brim with rid­ing lessons, hip­po-ther­a­py, main­te­nance on the farm, car­riage rides and every now and then spe­cial events.