The apple tree con­sis­tent­ly pro­vides very dec­o­ra­tive pre­cious wood that is easy to work with. Thanks to its com­pact­ness, it is high­ly suit­able for demand­ing lath­es. The wood of the apple tree, in con­trast to the pear tree, reg­u­lar­ly forms a col­or ker­nel and belongs accord­ing­ly to the heart­wood tree fam­i­ly. The sap­wood is a red­dish white to light red­dish-brown col­or. The much dark­er heart­wood is red­dish-brown to straight brown col­or. In the lat­ter case one also speaks of the wood being “watered”. When steamed fresh, the apple tree assumes a warm red. The wood is hard and dense. It lends itself well to the lathe and the final pol­ish­ing process.